651 (pink stool)

Created on site at Useful Objects, this is a unique and functional chair, made using Diego Dough.

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Diego Faivre’s ongoing project, ‘Minute Manufacturing’, has been evolving for over seven years and is deeply influenced by his experience working in a factory, where every action was timed. This experience fuels his interest in time pressure, transparency, and efficiency, which he explores through his creative process. Diego invites us to reconnect with design as expressive and human-centred, by embracing a playful approach to its creation.

Diego Faivre is a French designer and artist based in the Netherlands, known for his playful and conceptual approach to design.

Made using Diego Dough, a special type of air drying clay, the work is priced according to Faivre’s Minute Manufacturing system (at one Euro per minute of making). This is a unique work. Pieces of a similar shape can be made on request, in a number of colour combinations.

Diego Faivre
651 (pink stool), 2024
polystyrene, Diego Dough, varnish
43 x 43 x 30 cm

Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 43 × 30 × 43 cm

Diego Faivre


Diego Super Bonza Store